
An Exorcist is a priest who seeks out infestations of ghosts and demons. These creatures are the Exorcists sworn enemies. However, an Exorcists main duty is to help the poor individuals that have been possessed by these foul creatures. In game terms, an Exorcist can dispel the effects of possession by any creature that is evil in nature. Exactly what a possession can be is up to the Dungeon Master to decide. Serious thought should be given to wether it applies to spells that control the mind.

Social Ranks
: Exorcists are usually the younger sons of minor noblemen, who have sent them to study religion while their older brothers are learning to govern the estate. Occasionally, however, a peasant will attain the self-discipline and faith needed to banish evil.

      roll d6                 Social Rank
      2-5                     Lower Class
      6-7                     Lower Middle Class
      8-12                   Upper Middle Class

: Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, and Dwarves can be Exorcists. Halflings and other races are either too flighty to attain the concentration needed for the exorcism ceremony. The character must also have a minimum Strength/Stamina of 12 and a minimum Wisdom/Willpower of 14. The character must also be of the cleric class.

Weapon proficiencies
: The Exorcist can use any weapon allowed by his faith. But the mace seems universally favored.

Recommended nonweapon proficiencies
: Ancient History, Ancient Languages, Healing, Herbalism and Religion are the favored proficiencies. Ancient History may be especially necessary, if the demon or ghost is especially old or powerful the character my need to know the ghosts manner of death or the demon’s true name to be successful at the exorcism.

: The Exorcist carries literally gallons of holy water, numerous holy symbols, various restraints, and copies of his faiths holy writings.

Recommended traits
: Empathy, Obscure Knowledge, and Precise Memory.

: If the Exorcist focus’s on an individual person or area he can attempt to sense a Demonic/Ghostly presence. This ability requires a successful Wisdom/Intuition check. The Exorcist cannot perform this on himself, however, if an entity attempts to invade or control the Exorcist a successful Wisdom/Willpower check prevents the possession. This all happens subconsciously and the Exorcist is unaware of the attempt. If a demon or ghost is found the Exorcist can banish it with a 15 minute ceremony and two successful Wisdom/Willpower checks. The Exorcist must be relatively free of distraction, if he takes damage he must start over and the attempt requires three successful Wisdom/Willpower checks. The ceremony can only be used once per day(with one start over) if the attempt is unsuccessful the Exorcist can try again the next day.

: The Exorcist is usually sternly religious and suffer a -3 reaction modifier when meeting with criminals,(Rogues) and wizards that practice not-so respectable magic. They also are single minded in the attempt to banish demons and ghosts virtually forgetting everything else if the opportunity to dispel foul creatures. Within their own religions they are sometimes
avoided or ignored until their services are needed, they are held with suspicion and fear. The Exorcist never understand this but, is probably because they take such an active role in defeating evil when most of colleagues are nothing but scholars and preachers. Additionally, the Exorcist suffers a -2 on turning rolls vs. most undead because of their attention only to the evil creatures that attempt possessions of places or people.

: Exorcists are given a modest monthly stipend by the heads of their religions, usually only enough for the costs of living and supplies. However, the grateful people who have benefitted from the exorcism ritual have been know to supplement this income with under the table donations, the clerics seldom refuse.